Tom will be preaching to over 120,00 people in Kampala, Uganda and teaching in a interfaith peace conference.
December 31, 2014
Flying to Uganda and speaking to the largest outdoor event I have ever preached at. There will be around 120,000 people in attendance. I have preached to 60,000 before in Nigeria, but this event will be on a larger scale. Please pray for the gospel to be clear and for Jesus Christ to be exalted and magnified.
January 5-7, 2014
Two day interfaith peace conference in Khartoum, The Sudan called "Sharing the Spirit of Jesus". The whole goal is to bring mediation and peace for the South Sudan that is experiencing a civil war, and the internally displaced & refugees that need help and support.
Your Participation
We are looking for people with servant hearts willing to go the extra mile in building God’s Kingdom in Greece. You can join us by being part of our preparation team that comes together several months prior to the outreach or joining our distribution team or our volunteer team the week of the outreach. for more information please fill out the form below.
Your participation
Please consider giving a year end gift to CitiVision to help us be more effective with the gospel. Our opportunities this coming year are greater than ever before. Please help us by partnering with us. We are thankful for all who have prayed and financially supported CitiVision throughout the year. We seek to be faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted to us.